
Making Introductions

Hello, everyone... I've decided before I start doing any kind of blogging/writing, that I should probably introduce myself a little bit to the the Readers first. I usually have this tendency to make anything that I write longer than it needs to be, so please be patient with me while try summarize my thoughts a little bit better.  My name is Haley. I was born in Virginia, but I spent time growing up in a handful of states during my childhood (I think of all of the places I've lived, I was the happiest when I lived in North Carolina). Overall, I've grown to have an appreciation for road trips. One of my goals is to buy a camper so that I can travel around the country for as long as I can. I've always wanted to see the Northern Lights, and Niagara Falls that's closest to the Canadian border. I was inspired to call my blog From A Bug's View because of the nickname that I'd acquired at some point through the years, and it just seemed to stick with me. Plus, I thi...