Making Introductions

Hello, everyone... I've decided before I start doing any kind of blogging/writing, that I should probably introduce myself a little bit to the the Readers first. I usually have this tendency to make anything that I write longer than it needs to be, so please be patient with me while try summarize my thoughts a little bit better. 

My name is Haley. I was born in Virginia, but I spent time growing up in a handful of states during my childhood (I think of all of the places I've lived, I was the happiest when I lived in North Carolina). Overall, I've grown to have an appreciation for road trips. One of my goals is to buy a camper so that I can travel around the country for as long as I can. I've always wanted to see the Northern Lights, and Niagara Falls that's closest to the Canadian border.

I was inspired to call my blog From A Bug's View because of the nickname that I'd acquired at some point through the years, and it just seemed to stick with me. Plus, I think I've felt like that for most of my life anyways; a small bug in a very big world. Making observations from a very different viewpoint, not making much of an impact on anyone's lives (Tell me that you have depression without telling me that you have depression).

I can't pinpoint any specific reason for making this blog. I've had quite a life with many experiences that would seem impossible for someone my age. I'd dreamed of being a writer for a long time, until that dream was basically taken away for a multitude of reasons that just accumulated and completely discouraged me from it. And now that it's coming back to me, I suppose that this is my of publishing it. "Better late than never", as they like to say. I don't believe that I'm looking for worldwide recognition... But I have so much that I'd like to be able to share with other people through my writing. And if I'm ever able to connect with one person through it, then I'd be happy. 

I'd like to thank those who have taken the time to read this. I know that it appears pretty simple at the moment, but I'm a blog-newbie that's still getting used to how it works. And if anyone would be interested in reading more, there might be some gaps of time between each post that I make. Please be patient with me. 

Feel free to ask any questions or share a little bit about yourself in the comments. Also, please mention any topics you'd be interested in, if you'd like to. I'm always open to making improvements.

Happy reading!


  1. Never stop living you dreams.

    1. That's what you keep telling me :P

    2. Still waiting on more from your beautiful mind. :-)


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